Group/Hospital Workshops

Fun, experiential workshops help providers AND patients.

Curious about bringing non-drug pain relief to your patients?

Want to put a dent in the opioid epidemic?

Ready to empower your providers?

Picture this:

A nurse in the labor-delivery unit at Huntington Memorial Hospital prepares for another rough night. One new mom in particular looks like a problem – she’s been in pain all day. She’s scared and angry about being separated from her premie. Last night, she rang for medication every 90 minutes.

But tonight, things will be different. Nancy*, the floor nurse has decided to try a technique she learned recently at her CEU workshop on Mind-Body Pain Management Techniques.

Nurse Nancy warns the rest of the shift that she’s turning off her ringer for 5 whole minutes. She is ready to put her training to use.

Taking a slow deep breath, she invites the new mom to breathe with her and gently asks her to describe the sensations she is feeling. In just a few minutes, they transform a sharp, bright red, hammering pain into a mild, pink, soft cushion of comfort. Exhausted, mom falls asleep.

And Nurse Nancy ends up with more time for her other patients.

Stories like this are why I am working to bring practical, evidence-based techniques inspired by hypnosis, hypno-anesthesia, and mindfulness to clinicians. In 2017, I co-created a three-part pilot program in Pasadena, California, and am continually revising and adapting it.

Our hospital CEU program is well-rated

Reviews from the beta test program at Huntington earned a remarkable 4.7 stars and the following comments:

“Absolutely loved this course – very excited to use these techniques on the floor.”

“Very helpful class – should be mandatory for all staff.”

“It was very relaxing. These techniques will make a difference with our patients.”

Workshops benefit Hospitals, Fire Departments, and Clinics in several ways.

When clinicians make even a simple shift in their language and attitude, patients benefit. When they learn some pain-transformation techniques, patient satisfaction rises.

There are other offerings:

Your staff might benefit from shorter sessions just for them to enjoy and learn stress reduction techniques. Studies of mindfulness, hypnosis, and meditation show that clinics that offer these techniques improve morale and staff retention.

Especially these days, do you know any health or emergency personnel who wouldn’t benefit from stress relief?  And we’ve found that dispatchers and administrative personnel don’t always get to take the training courses; for this reason, they appreciate group sessions even more.

Patient Groups Also Love Workshops.

We also offer group sessions for patients that can significantly raise client satisfaction ratings.

Cancer patients, pre-op surgical patients, and imaging patients all benefit from stress reduction. And, of course, addiction treatment centers find non-pharmacological pain management greatly helps with relapse prevention.

Even when outcomes are difficult to predict, patients appreciate their experience with mind-body courses. They rate providers more highly when treatment includes the kind of emotional support, training, and attention that doctors and nurses simply do not have the time to give these days.

Call now for a free discovery meeting: (866) 497-9675.

Together, we can create a custom program to fit the schedule and budget of your hospital, rehab center, or first responder organization.

Much of our program is inspired by The Worst Is Over, known as the “bible” of patient communication, by hypnotherapists Judith Acosta and  Judith Simon Prager, a friend and mentor.