Pain Taming

No gain from your pain.

You cannot face another minute of being too hurt to play or too foggy from drugs to work.

What if your efforts to ignore the pain have made it roar louder and louder?

The struggle to slay it has made it angrier. You’re tired of trying.

Maybe it’s time to consider something new.

What if you could transform your pain from a dangerous beast into a valued companion and friend?

What if you could bring it to heel?

Well, welcome to the possibility of a sunny morning.

Welcome to the place for people whose lives or careers are threatened by the twin specters of pain and over-medication.

We start with a simple question.

How much of your pain do you need?

There are two kinds of pain: Useful and Useless.

Pain that originates as a signal or warning is useful. When it is ignored or suppressed, it increases. Many medications have a “bounce-back” effect when stopping the analgesic causes the pain to rush back even stronger than it was before.

Unheard pain is like the angry guard dog that starts barking all day long. At first, Cujo just alerts when someone comes through the gate. But without proper training, he begins to bark whenever anyone strolls by. Soon he starts howling and barking randomly.

Random alerts like this are not only unnecessary, they can be dangerous. They drown out any new or real warnings, and we learn to tune them out, like a fire alarm that keeps ringing for so long that people no longer pay attention and re-enter the burning building.

Taming useless pain is possible.

If a doctor agrees that your pain is unnecessary, it can be safely eliminated.

Repeating or ongoing sensations that have intermittent use – such as back pain that prevents you from over-doing it – may be reduced or re-interpreted.

What if you could feel the same sensation, but it simply didn’t bother you or if you could dial it up or down? What if you could interpret the sensation differently by changing the frame – the way an object may appear lighter or darker depending on the shade of its background?

Pain taming combines the sciences of the brain and body with the art of imagination. What we believe can transform the way we think, act, and feel.

With practice, we can often limit or even eliminate the need for pain medication.

Hypno-anesthesia offers relief from unnecessary pain.

Hypno-anesthesia is very real and has been studied extensively. Hospitals in Europe use it, often in conjunction with local anesthetic, to reduce the risk of general anesthesia.

I’ve taught these techniques to women preparing for childbirth and to athletes, professionals, and blue-collar workers.

Nurses have learned them to help their hospital patients. We use them with people who are allergic to medication, need to be clear-headed for work, and, of course, to people who are committed to their hard-won sobriety.

It works because of a mind/body connection.

Everyone understands instinctively that our thoughts can increase discomfort.

We get nervous stomachs before tests, our anger worsens our headache, anxiety affects fertility, and so on.

We are naturally skilled at influencing our bodies with our minds.

When we become better influencers, we create patterns of positive responsive. We tame the pain and bring our bodies to heal.

We offer a 90-Day, Pain-Taming Package.

Our effective program helps you master your sensations and create a healthier relationship with your own body.

You learn to manage stress and find emotional balance.

You learn quick pain-relief techniques that you can use any time, any place. These techniques help separate pain from suffering and discover the secrets of sound sleep.

You’ll receive a series of eight sessions of coaching and hypnosis. Each session is completely customized to meet your individual needs. In addition, recordings will be provided for at-home listening to reinforce your new skills.

The program concludes with a bonus custom-recording based on your own words and images to help you keep building on your progress.

Because we respect and listen to your inner mind so deeply – at the level where the subconscious naturally connects to the autonomic nervous system – you may be surprised at how relaxed, comfortable, and safe you can feel.

Here is my personal experience with pain.

After waking up every morning, I used to wish that I could remove my face like a mask. With daily pain, I didn’t believe that it was possible for people to wake up in a cheerful mood.

As far as I was concerned, those cheerful people were just faking and pretending to be happy. And I hated them because mornings hurt.

When I finally was diagnosed with TMJ disorder, as a result of night-grinding and clenching, it was a revelation.

After we began treatment, I hurt only occasionally; but when I did, the pain bothered me more. It was like a monster, growling, roaring, and demanding attention.

As you may know, the human mind has a basic rule – which is the more you “try” to ignore something, the more it occupies your mind. And what you focus on grows.

So, my pain grew into a wild lion. And every thought, worry, fear, and bit of attention were feeding it.

The medical treatment I received at the UCSF TMJ clinic helped quite a bit, as did psychotherapy and biofeedback.

It wasn’t until I went through hypnotherapy training, however, that I was able to wake up smiling.

Call (866) 497-9675 today to set up your phone consultation.

And welcome to the possibility of a lovely morning.