Create Your Smoke-Free Future

Voss Health & Wellness offers 3 “Stop Smoking Solution” programs.

Self-Guided Quit Now

Together Quit Now

Premium Quit Now

NOW is the best time to feel good about yourself.

And you don’t have to fight anything. You don’t have to slay the dragon of addiction or craving. Instead of wielding “won’t power” like a weapon, you can learn to tame your urges. Instead of spending all of that energy NOT doing something, what if you could focus on enjoying your freedom, health and power instead?

Not sure which program is right for you?

Schedule a complimentary 20-min phone consultation and I’ll provide a recommendation.

You’ve been feeling disappointed and frustrated with yourself.

Especially now, when more than ever you know you need to protect your lungs, your family and your budget.

But it’s never the right time, is it?

Deep down, you’re afraid that maybe it would be worse without your smokes.  The thing about smoking (or vaping) as a coping mechanism, is that it’s not really your best option. As much as you want to quit, there’s a part of you that’s getting something useful from the habit.

Self-Guided Program – $125

What if you could focus on enjoying your freedom, health and power?

This 7-day self-guided program contains everything you need to quit on your own. This includes:

◊ Video Files

◊ Audio Clips and Files

◊ Workbook and Checklist

After purchasing this program, you will receive an email with links to all you need to quit on your own.

Sample of the materials: 

Welcome Video

"Becoming a Non-Smoker" audio recording

"Doorway to Freedom" audio recording

"Set Your Quit Date" worksheet

Quit Together Now – $375

This is my therapist-guided program. We work together to fold your personal goals into a step-by-step solution. Includes a 60-Min consultation and customized video files based on your specific needs.

This includes:

◊ 60-min 1-on-1 Quitting Strategy Session

◊ Video Files

◊ Audio Clips and Files

◊ Workbook and Checklist

After purchasing this program, you will receive an email to schedule your
“Quitting Strategy” Session.

We use the best of classical hypnosis and ground-breaking neurological processes to help your body and mind create lasting change.

Consultation Call

Custom Outline Video

"Doorway to Freedom" & "Becoming a Non-Smoker" audio recordings

"Set Your Quit Date" worksheet

Premium Quit Now – $795

This is my ultimate “Quit Smoking” program.  Its my most popular and contains everything you need to quit including an interactive 90-Min virtual sesssion, personal video and audio files, all customized to you, your strengths, goals and lifestyle.

After purchasing this program, you will receive an email to schedule your
“Quitting Strategy” Session.

We use the best of classical hypnosis and ground-breaking neurological processes to help your body and mind create lasting change.

Consultation Call

Virtual Sessions

Custom Outline Video

"Doorway to Freedom" & "Becoming a Non-Smoker" audio recordings

"Set Your Quit Date" worksheet

Most of my clients quit after completing one of my programs.

When you find a better way to trigger feeling strong, loved, calm, or powerful, there’s no reason to suck poison into your lungs in a misguided effort to get that feeling.

My programs overcome any obstacles that might have arisen, reinforces success and provides stress management techniques, so there’s never an excuse to turn to nicotine.

And then there’s not much struggle.

Most of what we do is to UN-hypnotize you from the idea that smoking gets you anything useful at all.




Commit to Quit