Smoking Cost Calculator

Quitting smoking can save your life — and the money you save adds up quickly.
Fill out this Smoking Cost Calculator to see how you can live longer AND better when you quit soon.

Enter your info in the BLUE BOXES and watch the money roll in!
Non-Smoking Profit Calculator
How much can a Voss Wellness Program Save You?
Email Address:
Cigarettes per Day:
Price Per Pack:
State Sales Tax:
Quit Date:
Session Price: $695.00
Cost per Day:
Monthly Cost:
# of Packs to Profit: XXX
Days to Profit:
Date of Profit:
How would you spend an extra $$$ per year?
Your top reasons for quitting are:
The American Lung Association calculates the average smoker loses 14 years of life. What will you do with your extra years?
*Savings Invested in a 401K
Your Portfolio in 10 years: $XX,XXX.XX
Your Portfolio in 20 years: $XX,XXX.XX
Your Portfolio in 30 years: $X,XX,XXX.XX
Your Portfolio in 40 years: $X,XX,XXX.XX
*Pre-tax savings invested at average annual return of 5%. Savings based on current cost of cigarettes, you may see increased savings with inflation.


Three ways to get started today:

1) Call (866) 497-9675 today to learn more.

2) Book a consultation online to make sure this is the right fit for you: Let’s Talk

3) Book your Quitting Session online now:  COMMIT TO QUIT