You are smarter than this.
You keep smoking, even though you know it’s a ridiculous thing to do. And every time you try to quit, you get frustrated, irritable and disappointed. It’s time to stop trying and start succeeding.
From desperation to FREEDOM!
READY to live longer, save money, set a good example, and feel proud of yourself? So ready to quit that you would try ANYTHING rather than reach for another cigarette or vape? You can stop reading now!
Go ahead and click on the “Commit to Quit” button below. It will whisk you off to our online scheduling page, where you’ll book a time at least 2-3 days ahead when you can set aside about three hours. Your appointment is your QUIT DATE. Between now and then, you’ll have time to prepare for freedom by writing out your two essential lists: Your personal reasons for quitting and your triggers for using. (The confirmation email explains exactly what you will want to do.)
Or keep reading to learn why this time can be different…
I’m Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Stephanie Voss, and I quit smoking and lost weight with hypnosis, despite being skeptical. Now I’m privileged to help people free themselves from harmful habits — no matter how long — or how much — they’ve been smoking.
Voss Wellness offers a proven protocol has been used by specially trained professionals to help more than 7,000 people quit smoking. This efficient program takes less than 3 hours and combines the best of classical hypnosis with ground-breaking neurological processes. Because this process is so successful, we offer a service guarantee: extra help for those few who need it. So there is NEVER AN EXCUSE for backsliding.
Instead of using Will Power (or Won’t Power), you’ll be using WANT POWER. When you find out what you really want to get out of smoking, your inner mind can help you find a better way to get that feeling. So all you’re giving up is the smell, cost, inconvenience and health risks. No need to struggle at all.
Ready Now? Book your Quitting Session!
We’ll begin by explaining the process and examining your beliefs about nicotine, cigarettes and tobacco.
We’ll use ideo-motor signaling to make sure your body and mind agree that you’re ready for change — then you take the one step that leads not just to quitting, but to becoming a NON-SMOKER. Finally, you’ll experience hypnotic relaxation. It’s a natural state, like day-dreaming, that lets you relax and absorb suggestions to make any change easier. You’ll be aware of what’s happening – you’ll just engage your imagination. Many people are surprised at how easy it is to feel neutral about smoking and vaping, even when others are using around you.
When you find a better way to feel strong, loved, calm, or powerful, there’s no reason to suck poison into your lungs. Is there?
Still have more questions?
Don’t worry, I love working with skeptics, because I was one, too.
I was surprised when a basic hypnotherapy session helped me quit smoking. I was so impressed that I began learning more about it. I am now proud to offer the most effective smoking cessation program I’ve ever seen, backed by 17 years of hypnosis experience and training. If you’re curious, let’s chat. You have the right to be comfortable with someone you’re inviting into your mind…
You can set up a free 20-minute phone consultation easily. Schedule online and choose a time that works for you by clicking the “Schedule A Call” button on the sidebar. Or call (866) HYP-WORK [that’s (866) 497-9675.]
Can you afford to quit?
The real question is, “Can you afford NOT to quit?” Check out our online calculator to see just quickly the money you save by not smoking adds up:
(For example, someone smoking a pack a day at $6.25 a pack who pays $595 to quit will start making money on their investment in under four months. And you won’t believe how much that savings adds up to over a lifetime.)
Plus that investment gives you the most effective process on the planet to help you stop poisoning yourself with little to no withdrawal. Because lungs begin healing almost immediately when you quit smoking, you could regain as many as FOURTEEN years of life! What could you do with an extra decade of healthy living?
Take Action Now
The part of your mind that wants to keep you smoking is telling you to put this off. You know that’s a trap! Take back control, make an appointment AND SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF.
If not now, when?
Call: (866) 497-9675